About Us

Covenant vs. Covering

A new way of understanding spiritual covering: There are many diabolical tactics of the wicked one to darken the souls of many gifted men and women of God causing them to err from the truth in labor of personal agendas and monetary gain. So while the revelatory light under which we study and the minister is much brighter than that of our predecessors, it appears we are regressing from Jesus’ mandate to populate the Kingdom in favor of populating our ministries. There’s far too much talk about how women/men, leaders have under them; and not enough is being said about how many sinners we helped to know Christ and understand the kingship in which they stand with God. In the midst of a momentous shift in ministry, we must begin to be truthful about what the Word says in conjunction with our gain. The Lord is the one that promotes; not man. In the New Testament, covering is not mentioned. A covenant relationship is related to the Kingdom. We no longer serve a dictatorship. The Holy Spirit spoke and told me that we must begin forming covenantal bonds with other like-minded saints, to build His Kingdom, where Jesus is, in fact, the King, the central focus and the Head of the Body. He also told me, “if my children covenant with one another, I will cover them. When we covenant, there is potential at any given time for one to either impact or receive impartation; depending on the situation. Whatever happened to, “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” till we all come in the unity of the faith” described in Ephesians? What happened? It’s buried under layers of hierarchy and selfish accolades. Apostleship is not called to glamorous positions of recognition and accolades. We are called to change the world’s system by activating Kingdom principles in every believer, so they understand, they don’t just “come to church” but “they become the church!” When this happens, everywhere they go, the Kingdom comes forth, and the will of God is carried out and expanded on earth as it is in Heaven. We must stop making the church a place of “limitation.” It is to be a place of “launching.” We stand together in the common covenant of grace and not the traditions of men.

Welcome Message

Dear Kingdom Leaders:
We have shifted into a very powerful year of the blessings of the Lord upon the Church. This could be the most defining time of the Church; it is a time of restoration and proper alignment. Our relationships are so key; to partner is to share with one another. We pray that this relationship will be fresh with new wine and oil flowing abundantly. We realize choosing a local spiritual covering for your ministry comes with much prayer. We are pleased that God has spoken to you to come into this relationship with us. It will be to the best of our ability to assist you in accomplishing the vision God has given you. We believe the kingdom can’t be reached by just one, but if we band together in unity and love we can reach multitudes. For truly “the harvest is white”(John 4:35b). We are glad to see that you are deciding to unite with the change of the season. We are here to support you in the kingdom with the full resources of the ministry. Our desire is to provide wisdom, knowledge, prayers, when feasible we are to support you financially and always emotionally for the growth and progress of your ministries. Please feel free to ask questions and make suggestions. We benefit from the knowledge and experiences of one another. We thank you for embarking on this journey with us! May God choice blessings be yours! We are praising God with you and on your behalf as we begin to embark into a strong relationship for the new levels and new territory that will be given unto you. There are no big “I”s and little “U”s we are one and we are striving to make every effort to move you and others out of religion to relationship. We are committed to serve you.

In His Service,
Dr. Shirley R. Brown


To see the people of God come into the freedom of serving God in full demonstration of their gifts. Being comfortable with who you are in Christ and being transparent without ridicule. Manifesting as God has called you.


To see us all as one mighty army doing the work for the Kingdom. An alliance is a pact, coalition or friendship between two or more parties, made to advance common goals and to secure common interests. Visualizing, Enacting, and Impacting.

NNKA Upcoming Events

Monthly NNKA Newsletter

Office Hours

By Appointment Only

Remote Counseling Sessions Available by Request


9:30am - 3:00pm
9:30am - 3:00pm
9:30am - 3:00pm

Sunday Hours

Sunday Mornings:
11:30am Worship

Other Hours

6:30pm Strategic Prayer Teachings (Online)
7:00pm Intercessory Prayer

6:00am - 6:00pm Corporate Fast
7:00pm Enrichment Studies

Physical Address

Apostle, Dr. Shirley R. Brown

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1926
Wendell, NC 27591

Physical Address:
6600 Hallelujah Blvd.
Wendell, NC 27591
(919) 457-2218

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