SRB provides Apostolic Training to regions that desire to know more about the Apostolic. She especially has a heart to help train people in rural areas. Dr. Brown believes Apostles and Prophets work together in the Apostolic. Therefore, prophets accompany her to ATOM to minister as needed and as an example of how Apostles and Prophets can flow together as God intended. If you would like ATOM to come to your area, please contact us.

Booking Form
Fill out the form to request an ATOM event

Office Hours

By Appointment Only

Remote Counseling Sessions Available by Request


9:30am - 3:00pm
9:30am - 3:00pm
9:30am - 3:00pm

Sunday Hours

Sunday Mornings:
11:30am Worship

Other Hours

6:30pm Strategic Prayer Teachings (Online)
7:00pm Intercessory Prayer

6:00am - 6:00pm Corporate Fast
7:00pm Enrichment Studies

Physical Address

Apostle, Dr. Shirley R. Brown

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1926
Wendell, NC 27591

Physical Address:
6600 Hallelujah Blvd.
Wendell, NC 27591
(919) 457-2218

Visitors and Guests

Today 106

Yesterday 103

Week 580

Month 778

All 173994

Currently are 25 guests and no members online